June Opportunities for African Writers
Up to $30,000, Digital Publication, Contests, Book Publication, Jobs.
This newsletter is published every Wednesday.
1. The Bounce is accepting Pitches
The Bounce is an internet culture – digital publishing company with a focus on editorial content, community-first and youth culture. They are requesting article pitches focusing on fashion/beauty and pop-culture.
Deadline: Unstated Pay: from N30,000 per article
How to submit:
Email your pitch to melony@thebounce.net
To get a better idea of the kind of articles they publish, visit The Bounce.
2. Call for Submissions: Poetic Africa
Poetic Africa, Africa’s first trilingual (English, French, Kiswahili) poetry magazine, calls for submissions from poets for her August 2024 edition under the theme ‘1960’. “The ‘60s in Africa came with developments in the political, economic, and other spheres, which influenced the African people. This era blew a wind of major Independence across many African nations, which makes one wonder if we are truly independent.”- Poetic Africa
Deadline: 10th June 2024 Compensation: Unstated
Things to note:
The editorial team is looking for poems of a maximum of 24 lines, creativity, and originality, use of poetic devices, and economy of words.
Please present well-arranged poetry and note that the poem titles should not have the word “1960.”
Submissions can be in English, French and Swahili.
Poems should be saved in a word document.
To submit, input your details and upload your document in the form here.
3. Call for Submissions: Bright Wall/Dark Room
Bright Wall/Dark Room is an independent online film journal devoted to exploring the relationship between movies and the business of being alive. For their July issue they are accepted submissions under the theme “To the Sea”. “We're looking for essays on movies about being drawn to the sea, swallowed up by the sea, in love with the sea, swimming in the sea, living at sea, learning how to let the sea teach you about its depths.”
Deadline: 10th June 2024. Pay: $100
Word count for essays are 2000-4000
You will submit a cover letter, including a short biographical statement and links to published examples of your work.
Submissions are only accepted via submittable.
4. Call for Book Contributions: #FeesMustFall Ten Years On
In 2025, we commemorate the 10th anniversary of South African students’ calls for free decolonised higher education, propelled by digitally networked student movements and campaigns such as #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall. As a commemorative reflection the book “#FeesMustFall Ten Years On: A critical examination of the history, significance, and legacy of the 2015-16 student movement in South Africa” is being produced. The editors are requesting abstracts.
Deadline: June 15 2024 Compensation: Unstated
Things to note:
They are seeking insights, diverse perspectives, research, and reflections on the 2015/16 student moment, its aftermath, impacts, and significance.
Abstracts/proposals should be 300-500 words
They must be emailed to anyenyamnjoh@gmail.com
To review the themes and other information, please click here.
5. Afredia is Hiring Writers
Afredia is a soon to be launched media app and website creating smart content and reporting quality news for everyone young at heart. They are looking for a remote writer to join their team.
Deadline: Unstated. Pay: N126,000. Location: Remote
Great news judgement from someone who understands African Gen Z culture.
Understanding of social media and SEO best practices
Editing, proofreading and blogging skills
Experienced with popular social media platforms and trends.
Able to work in a quick-turn around environment without sacrificing quality.
To apply, send your CV to afrediacareers@gmail.com
6. The Wanjobi Prize for African Poetry
Poetic Africa is inviting submissions for the maiden edition of The Wanjobi Prize which honours the remarkable contributions of Benny Wanjobi to African poetry.
Deadline: 30th June 2024. Prize: Total of $150
Please use the title of your entry as the file name and do not write your name either as the file name or in the file.
Files should either be in PDF or Word format.
Entry should not exceed 30 lines.
7. Brittle Paper Call for Submissions: #EndSars Protest
The editor Chibueze Darlington Anuonye—in collaboration with Brittle Paper—calls for submissions of essays and creative nonfiction pieces that speak to and about the EndSARS protest, which took place in Nigeria between September and October 2020. The theme is “Who Gave the Order: The History of a People’s Movement”.
Deadline: June 30th 2024. | Renumeration: $100 per piece
Things to note:
The anthology will comprise pieces that account for the experiences of Nigerians during the EndSARS, related events before and after the protest, and how these moments and encounters shape the lives of Nigerians, as well as the image of the nation.
They accept only electronic submissions via email (chibuezedarlington@yahoo.com).
Submission header should read “Submission for Who Gave the Order.”
Submission word count should be between 2,500 to 5,000.
Multiple or simultaneous submissions will not be read, accepted or acknowledged.
Accompany your submission with a short bio of not more 200 words.
They are only interested in personal and previously unpublished essays and creative nonfiction pieces. However, if you are not comfortable with writing but would love to narrate your account orally, please contact them, as they might have an idea on how you could contribute to the anthology.
For more info, see here
8. Global Black Women’s Non-Fiction Manuscript Prize
As part of its mission as a global Black publishing house connecting Africa and the African diaspora, Cassava Republic Press’s is proud to announce the launch of this prize. They are looking to publish and champion Black women writers who bridge the gap between “creativity” and “theory” with work that is both rigorous and beautiful, creative and thoughtful.
Deadline: 30th June 2024 23:59GMT | Prize: Total of $30,000
Things to note:
The manuscript prize is open to Black women writers aged 18 and over living anywhere in the world.
The winner will receive $20,000 and a book deal, while two runners-up will receive $5000 each and a book deal.
They welcome submissions from academics writing for a mainstream audience. Our goal is to amplify and unearth the critical ideas that might otherwise remain unpublished or confined to academic circles or smaller audiences.
They do not accept straightforward memoirs, but manuscripts that incorporate theory with personal essays/experiences within a broader context are welcome.
Interested writers are asked to submit 5 sample chapters and a pitch letter, which should include a synopsis and a full outline of all chapters. Longlisted authors will then be given a week to submit full manuscripts.
Pitch letter guide can be found here.
9. The AprilCentaur Prize 2024
The AprilCentaur Network poses as an online literary magazine with an approach to building a network of creatives in multiple fields. They organise contests for the sake of amassing talents, and aim to provide selected participants with a regular and recurring income. They are currently accepting short stories for their second contest.
Timeline: 1st July 2024. Prize: Total of $2000
We only accept one submission per person, so send in your best work.
All participants must be between 16 and 30 years old.
Word count is 3000-5000.
Please email your submission as a Word document attachment to theaprilcentaurprize@gmail.com. Include a five-line bio in the body of the email. Only previously unpublished works would be reviewed and considered.
For more information see here.
10. Arc Poetry is accepting Submissions
For the Fall 2024 issue, Arc Poetry is looking for submissions around the theme of “Home” and all of the relationships we can have with our physical or metaphorical homes.
Deadline: 1st July 2024. Pay: From $50
Submissions must not exceed 3 poems.
If you have submitted to Arc’s general call for submission, you may still submit work this issue. Submitting poems for this issue does not count towards the three poems per calendar year limit.
If you are submitting 2 or 3 poems, you must submit these as separate files. All poems must be sent as individual submissions.
Technical Writing
11. Job: UX Writer for Kuda Bank
Kuda is a money app for Africans on a mission to make financial services accessible, affordable and rewarding for every African on the planet. They are looking for an excellent UX writer with experience working on fintech apps and websites. If you pay attention to detail and you're keen on doing user research, simplifying user interaction flows, and helping users understand products, you'll be a great fit at Kuda.
Deadline: unstated. | Renumeration: unstated. | Type: Full time, Lagos Nigeria
Three years of experience writing user-facing UX copy for apps and websites, preferably at a fintech.
A portfolio of writing and content samples
A passion for apps and simple user journeys
Experience working with customer research
A collaborative approach to work
Some experience working with interaction and visual design would be a bonus.
Prose of the Week
Passengers | Odafin Odafe Okoh
Something about the laughter of the passengers tells Ogadi that the baby inside her will not be born. It may be their voices, ringing with derision as they break into it or the reckless manner the men sharing her seat bump into her sides. The intuition stalks her mind like a shadow and there is no pushing it aside this time around…
Poetry of the Week
Day Old Rice | Veripuami Nandee Kangumine
You call me
without the seriousness
in your voice
trying to harvest the feelings
you once had for me…
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Rombo rakanaka (Good luck—Shona, Zimbabwe)