This newsletter is published every Wednesday.
1. One Story is Accepting Short Stories
One Story is an award-winning, not-for-profit literary publisher committed to supporting the art form of the short story and the authors who write them. They are seeking stories that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone.
Deadline: Until submission cap is hit. | Compensation: $500
Stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words.
They accept only previously unpublished material. However, if a story has been published in print outside of North America, it will be considered. Stories previously published online—on blogs, personal websites, online literary magazines, or forums—will not be accepted.
Simultaneous submissions are allowed but they ask you please withdraw your submission immediately if accepted for publication elsewhere.
They accept DOC, DOCX, PDF, and RTF files. Please include the story title and all writer contact info on the first page of the submitted file.
They strongly prefer that you only send final drafts, but if you must upload a new version, please withdraw your submission through Submittable and resubmit.
Translations are welcome but please include the name of the original author and language, as well as the name of the translator on the first page of your submission.
2. The Republic is Hiring Editorial Interns
For 6 months, this editorial intern will rotate across The Republic’s editorial and publishing teams building experience in developing print and digital editorial projects, managing authors and editors, participating in research projects, and working with authors to produce quality writing in line with our style guide.
Deadline: 17th May 2024. | Renumeration: N150,000
Top-tier academic credentials (Republic team members have typically graduated top of their class.)
An analytical writer (editorial or research experience is a plus) with knowledge of and passion for African history.
Demonstrable online and offline networking skills and thrives in a fast-paced environment.
Ability to work remotely and independently while part of a team;
Prior experience writing for a news site helps, as do copyediting skills. You should be a voracious reader who is self-motivated and eager to learn.
To apply:
Send CV and rather than a cover letter, send a 1,000-word essay or article that you can imagine being published on The Republic. This article should adhere to the highest writing/journalistic standards and must be based on the following prompt: ‘An Interesting Thing about Your Neighbourhood That More People Need to Know About’
Send these materials to Please make the subject of the email: Job Application: Editorial Intern.
3. Dream Foundry Annual Emerging Writer’s Contest
This contest is for writers who are relatively new to paid or incoming-earning publication of speculative short fiction in English. Every year their contest coordinator selects ten finalists from a pool of submissions from writers around the world. In addition to their cash prizes, winners get featured at Flights of Foundry, an annual convention where professionals from all over the industry come to discuss all things related to the speculative arts.
Deadline: 27th May 2024 | Prize: Total of $1700
Things to note:
To be Eligible:
You have published a total of less than 4,000 words of paid or income-earning speculative fiction in English.
You have earned a total of less than USD 320 from those words.
You have never been nominated for any award listed here as a major award in speculative fiction.
You are not a previous winner of the Dream Foundry writing contest.
No AI, machine learning, or large language model tools were used in the story except for checking spelling and grammar.
To submit
Submit one complete and finalised story of up to 10,000 words. All entries are final. No revisions are accepted.
No multiple submissions (do not send more than one story.)
Your submission must be previously unpublished at the time of submission, but simultaneous submissions (submitting the story to us while also submitting elsewhere) is allowed.
All entries must be original prose works in English. Plagiarism, poetry, song lyrics, or stories that utilize characters or settings from another person’s works will not be considered.
The manuscript should be in standard manuscript format and should be titled and numbered on every page, but the author’s name MUST BE DELETED from the manuscript file to facilitate fair judging.
Scroll down this page to fill submission form.
4. Poet Lore is Accepting Submissions
Poet Lore is a biannual print journal of poetry, featuring the finest in contemporary writing. They love featuring poems that broaden the spectrum of what poetry is – and can be – on the page.
Deadline: 30th May 2024. |. Compensation: $50 + copy of publication
Things to note
You may submit up to 5 poems (maximum 10 pages).
Include all poems in 1 single document and please only submit once per submission period. If a poem is more than one page, please indicate if the second page begins with a new stanza.
Include the titles of all poems in your cover letter (bullet points or numbers are easiest).-
Poet Lore requires first serial rights.They request (but do not require) the right to publish accepted poems on our website, social media outlets, monthly newsletter, and via our publisher’s (The Writer’s Center) triennial magazine. All other rights revert to the author upon publication; although, Poet Lore expects to be credited when poems are republished.
They accept simultaneous submissions, however, let them know in your cover letter if poems are simultaneously submitted, and please inform us immediately if a poem is accepted elsewhere.
They do not accept work that has been previously published. This includes on personal blogs and social media.
Click here to submit.
5. Call for Submissions: Poda Poda Stories
Poda-Poda Stories is a Sierra Leonean literary platform that publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and literary criticism by emerging and established Sierra Leonean writers. Founded in 2020 by Sierra Leonean writer and journalist Ngozi Cole, the platform amplifies and promotes Sierra Leonean literature.
Deadline: 31st May 2024. | Compensation: Unstated
They accept work from Sierra Leoneans or persons of Sierra Leonean descent currently residing in Sierra Leone or the diaspora.
Fiction (1500 words maximum), nonfiction (1500 maximum), poetry (3 poems maximum), and book reviews (800 words maximum).
Your work must be in Microsoft word (docx) format; typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font and double-spaced.
Include a brief writer’s bio in your email submission.
We will not accept plagiarized work. This includes AI-generated work.
Do not submit work that contains elements of harmful stereotypes.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. We ask that you email us immediately your work is accepted elsewhere.
Submit by sending an email to to using the following format on your email subject: Lastname_Submission Title. If your submission is time sensitive, kindly indicate that in your email subject line using the following format: Time sensitive_Lastname_Submission Title.
6. Submit to Sonder Magazine
Sonder is all about bringing different perspectives together. They believe everyone is wildly and magically different, yet there is still a universality that draws us all together. They are looking for short stories, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction all based on the theme of NEED.
Deadline: 31st May 2024. | Compensation: €300
Things to note:
They accept one submission per person per category
Only pieces submitted through the relevant entry form below will be considered
All submissions should be sent in .doc, .docx or.odt format
We accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know immediately if your piece is accepted elsewhere
Please ensure the name of your document is your submission title, eg. [TITLE].doc or [TITLE].docx
Short story submissions should be between 1,000-2,500 words
Creative nonfiction submissions should be between 1,000-2,500 words
Flash fiction submissions should be no more than 700 words
Writers should be previously unpublished, ie. you have not had a book-length project published by a reputable publishing company
Do not let your name appear in the submission document as all pieces will be read anonymously
Payments will be made by bank transfer, so a BIC and IBAN or sort code and account number will be needed.
8. Essay Contest: The Global Peter Drucker Challenge
This annual essay contest for students, managers and entrepreneurs is inviting essay submissions under the theme: The Next Education. Theme related questions to inform your essay are available here.
Deadline: 31st May 2024, 4:00PM CET | Prize: Total of €4,200, funded travel + benefits
You must be 18-35 years old (inclusive of both ages)
You can submit one essay to participate as either a student or manager or entrepreneur.
Student: you are a part-time or full-time student (Bachelors, Masters, MBA, or PhD) or you are seeking your first opportunity after the completion of your last degree
Professional: You are a manager of people, projects, budgets, and/or processes; an entrepreneur or business owner; licensed professional; social volunteer or community leader.
Length: 1500 to 3000 (excluding footnotes and any graphics) as PDF or word document.
Font size should be 12pt. Essay written in English and your name must not be included anywhere in the essay.
The essay must be written entirely and exclusively by the participant. The essay must not be written with assistance from tools like Chat-GPT, or any other Generative AI tools or similar software.
9. The AprilCentaur Prize 2024
The AprilCentaur Network poses as an online literary magazine with an approach to building a network of creatives in multiple fields. They organise contests for the sake of amassing talents, and aim to provide selected participants with a regular and recurring income. They are currently accepting short stories for their second contest.
Timeline: 1st July 2024. Prize: Total of $2000
We only accept one submission per person, so send in your best work.
All participants must be between 16 and 30 years old. T
Word count is 3000-5000.
Please email your submission as a Word document attachment to Include a five-line bio in the body of the email. Only previously unpublished works would be reviewed and considered.
For more information see here.
Prose of the Week
Adventures of an Awkward African Kid—The Fire | Poda Poda
Written from the point of view of a young boy from the east end of Freetown who details personal and family life experiences amidst one of the most brutal civil wars on the African continent.
It was no secret that Grandma was particularly fond of her youngest grandchild, which happens to be me. Everywhere Grandma went, I went along. I was nicknamed Grandma's “walking stick” to my displeasure. However, I did enjoy the perks of being a ‘lastina’: she always had my back.
Poetry of the Week
N/B: this poem is not written in stanzas
Bata | Sidikie Bayoh
The metallic tang of the African drum will crackle and bite like village fires where tradition is passed down. I will beat the drum like an angry July rain descending on a cluster of zinc roofed houses with immense fury…
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Zabwino zotse (I wish you Good luck—Chichewa, Malawi)