February Opportunities for African Writers
Up to $1000, Funded Travel, Print Publication, Workshop etc
This newsletter is published every Wednesday at 5pm WAT.
1. Send Nonfiction to Pfumo Collective
The Pfumo Collective invites applications from African writers to its CITIZEN project which seeks to develop non-fiction pieces for an anthology exploring and interrogating ideas of citizenship and nationhood on the African continent. Writers whose proposals are accepted will work with a team of editors and mentors from Pfumo Collective, led by Ellah Wakatama and Billy Kahora, to hone their writing and complete their pieces.
Deadline: 15th February 2024| Pay: Unstated Stipends + Travel expenses to Accra Ghana
Things to note:
To be eligible for this project, writers must be a citizen of an African country and currently residing on the Continent.
Writers are requested to submit a proposal for a non-fiction essay. The proposal should not exceed 3000 words.
Manuscripts should be formatted in Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.
A sample of published work, not exceeding 4000 words, along with a short bio and current contact details (name, email, phone number, and place of residence) should be included.
Please submit a timeline for completion of the non-fiction piece proposed (at this stage you will not need exact dates but just need to give a clear sense of how long it would take you from when you start)
Proposal for non-fiction in English. It should propose unpublished, original work.
2. Submit to Nenta Literary Journal
Nenta Literary Journal is dedicated to publishing Ghanaian writers everywhere. They are a volunteer-run journal and publisj publishes 1-2 work(s) of poetry, fiction and/or nonfiction monthly.
Date: 15th February 2025 | Pay: Gh¢150
Things to note:
Open exclusively to Ghanian Writers
Poetry: Send up to two poems of any length or form to poetrycurator.nentajournal@gmail.com.
Fiction: send submissions of fewer than 5,000 words. Please send one title per submission to fictioncurator.nentajournal@gmail.com
Creative Nonfiction: Share your memoirs, critical essays, or other creative nonfiction pieces under 5,000 words. Submit one piece to nonfictioncurator.nentajournal@gmail.com
Submit your work as a
file.Name the file after the title of your poem, fiction, or nonfiction piece
NENTA does not allow multiple submissions. However they are open to simultaneous submissions. Please reach out to withdraw your work if an acceptance is made elsewhere.
3. The Island Prize for a Debut Novel from Africa
The Island Prize is administered by Jennings and the Holland House (UK) in collaboration with Karavan Press (South Africa). The prize “is one step towards bridging the gap between here and there, us and them. In fact, it is through prizes like these that authors across the continent can gain the confidence to tell stories as they wish.”—Karen Jennings
Deadline: 16th February 2024, 12am CAT | Prize: Total of £900
Things to note:
The Island Prize is open to African writers aged 18 and over, regardless of place of residence.
You must not be represented by a literary agent or currently under contract with a publisher. If you receive an offer of representation while your novel is under consideration, you must inform us immediately and withdraw.
Only fiction is eligible. No short story collections
There is no restriction as to specific genre.
The complete novel should be between 35,000 words and 100,000 words.
Entrants must not have previously published a novel; this includes self-published or eBook-only editions.
To clarify: Authors who have previously published novels are ineligible, although those with published works in non-fiction, short stories, or poetry are welcome to apply.
To ENTER: Send the following to theisland@hhousebooks.com:
The first three chapters or 10,000 words of the novel;
A covering statement giving the word count, name and address of the author, the title, and a brief, two-sentence description of the main subjects and themes of the novel;
A one-page synopsis setting out the basic story.
Entries should be in size 12 – Times New Roman, Garamond, Arial, Calibri are all fine.
Please ensure entries are double or 1.5 spaced.
All entries should be in Word doc or docx.
4. The Journal of African Youth Literature is Open to Submissions
JAYLIT publishes creative writing, poetry, prose (stories and narratives), plays, with a storyline in ANY language used in Africa, such as Swahili, Amharic, Yoruba, Zulu, Chichewa, English, French, etc. Submissions must be by, about, and/or for born-in-Africa youths. For the purposes of the Journal, ‘African’ is defined according to place of birth or heritage. It is not related to colour or race.
Deadline: 17th Feb 2024 | Compensation: Publication + entry for annual prize
Things to note:
All submissions must be the original creation of the individual submitting them, and they cannot have been previously published elsewhere.
– Use 12-point Times New Roman
– Double-space your work with justified alignment
– British and American English are accepted, but please be consistent
– Add page numbers at the bottom of each page
– Send documents in MS Word format
Simultaneous submissions are accepted.
If your submission is not in English please include a short summary in English of what your submission is about when you send it.
For short poems, they want poems of up to 20 lines each. You can submit up to 5 short poems at once. For longer poems, they want 21-50 lines. Please submit only one long poem at a time.
Please send your submission to poetry.submissions@jaylit.com. In the subject line, indicate if your submission is a long poem or short poem(s), put your name and the title of your submission. If you’re submitting a packet of poems, put the number of poems in the subject line instead.
For short stories and personal essays (CNF), they want between 1,000-4,000 words. For shorter prose (flash fiction or flash CNF), they want between 250 and 1,000 words.
Please send your submission to prose.submissions@jaylit.com. In the subject line, indicate if your submission is a short story, a personal essay, a flash fiction, or a flash CNF, put your name and the title of your submission. E.g. [Short Story – Sipho Adewale – Laugh Laugh Laugh].
For short plays, they want up to 4,000 words. For longer plays, they want between 4,000 and 20,000 words.
Please send your submission to prose.submissions@jaylit.com. In the subject line, indicate if your submission is a short play or a long play, put your name and the title of your submission. E.g. [Long Play – Sipho Adewale – Laugh Laugh Laugh].
Send reviews to ibrahim.ibrahim@jaylit.com. Word count should not exceed 2,000 words.
5. Omenana Speculative Fiction Magazine is Open for Submissions
Omenana is a tri-monthly magazine that publishes speculative fiction from Africa and the African diaspora. They focus on stories, art and essays that explore the rich cultural heritage of the continent and its people, while also embracing the fantastical and imaginative elements of science fiction, fantasy, and other genres.
Deadline: 20th February 2025 | Pay: $20 per story
Things to note:
All work must be submitted by e-mail to sevenhills.media@yahoo.com as a single attachment in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt.
Include a cover letter in the body of your e-mail providing your contact details (name – not the pseudonym you write under – address, email and phone number), a brief publication history, a bio of no more than 100 words and a profile photo.
Both fiction and non-fiction should please follow this Standard Manuscript Format.
Short fiction should be no more than 5,000 words.
Creative non-fiction and essays should be no more than 3,000 words.
Flash fiction pieces should not exceed 1,000 words each.
Reviews should be between 800 and 2,000 words.
Please don’t send revised drafts of works that you have previously submitted, unless they specifically ask for them.
6. Lolwe: Call for Submissions
Lolwe is looking for work that is bold, different, and blurs or pushes boundaries: play with form and language, ignore the limitations and classifications, send in your fears and joys, your doubts and faiths, your curiosities and silences.
Deadline: unstated | Compensation: unstated
Things to note:
Submissions should be drama, orature, translation, hybrid-genre. Submissions in the fiction, nonfiction, and poetry categories will be from the Lolwe Academy alumni only except where solicited.
Length: 1,000-10,000 words for hybrid works or translations.
Drama: Submit only one act plays.
Format: Word document, Times New Roman, 12pt, double-spaced.
Response: Three months after submission deadline. Please don’t enquire about submission status until the time has lapsed.
Multiple submissions: No. Please submit one submission and to only one category.
Simultaneous submissions: Yes. Just remember to withdraw or notify them if accepted elsewhere.
Republishing: No. Only original, unpublished submissions will be read. Previously published work is not accepted unless it’s a translation.
Bio: Send a brief bio alongside the submission.
Queries: Send any queries to info@lolwe.org. Only queries sent to this email will be replied to.
7. Masobe Books: Call for Manuscripts
Masobe Books, a leading publisher in Nigeria, committed to promoting diverse voices and compelling narratives, is pleased to announce the opening of a 2024 submissions window for new manuscripts. This exciting opportunity is aimed at discovering fresh voices in literature from the African Continent.
Deadline: 31st March 2025. | Compensation: Book deal
Things to note:
Please note that only ONE submission per writer is allowed. Multiple submissions may lead to disqualification.
While they encourage submissions from all genres of literary fiction and non-fiction, we are particularly on the lookout for ROMANCE.
You will be required to attach a one-page synopsis of the work you are submitting in Microsoft Word. Please include all major plot points in your synopsis, including spoilers, and especially the end.
You will be required to attach a sample of the work in question. This should be the first 3 chapters or first 3 stories of your manuscript in Microsoft Word.
Send your manuscript sample in double-spaced, indented paragraph, justified only. They prefer Courier New font type with a font size of 12pt.
Your submission will be acknowledged and assessed by our editors. We will respond within twelve weeks IF AND ONLY IF we are provisionally interested in publishing your work, after which we would ask for more of your material. If after reading the rest of the work and we find it to our taste and cut, we would then present you with an offer.
Masobe Books is not accepting unsolicited poetry submissions or plays at this time.
To Submit, fill this form.
8. Submit to Nalubaale Review
Nalubaale publishes fiction, non-fiction, essays, poetry, short dramas, photos, and memes from new and established African writers. Submissions are now open for their 2024 Edition on the themes: Departure / Survival.
Deadline: 28th Feb 2024 | Pay: unstated
Things to note:
A maximum of three poems per applicant of not more than two pages long each.
A limit of two short stories per applicant.
All submissions should be on the themes stated above that is; Departure / Survival.
Short stories between 1000- 5000 words.
Essays between 2000- 4000 words.
Submission should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
Choose typing font: Times New Roman, Georgia or Arial, 13, single spacing.
Send applications to: nalubaalereview@gmail.com.
9. Submit to Asterales: A Journal of Arts and Letters
Asterales is a quarterly journal publishing five poems, one piece of fiction, one CNF/essay, and accompanying visual art in each issue. Just as plants in the asterales family are many-petaled “we are interested in a wide range of styles. We like writing and visual art that has an authentic perspective and makes us think about the world in new ways.”— A
Deadline: 15th March 2025 | Pay: None
Things to note:
Poetry: Please send one to three of your poems.
Prose: Please send a single work up to 7500 words. It can be fiction, creative non-fiction, or something in between.
Send only original, previously unpublished work; this includes social media and personal blogs
Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please notify them by email if the work is accepted elsewhere.
Submit by filling this form.
10. Submit to Mudroom
MudRoom is a triannual journal of poetry and prose. Their mission is to provide every writer, emerging and established, the opportunity to both see their work published and engage with a larger literary community.
Deadline: 25th March 2025 | Prize: $15
Things to note:
MudRoom publishes poetry of all types. You can email poetry submissions to mud.room.submissions@gmail.com.
To submit, please send 3-5 original, previously unpublished poems in a single .DOC/.DOCX .ODT or PDF file with one poem per page (eight pages maximum).
Indicate POETRY SUBMISSION in your subject line. Submissions without "Poetry Submission" in the subject line will be deleted. You may also include a brief cover letter/third-person bio in the body of your email.
Mudroom publishes fiction, essays, and essays in translation. You can email prose submissions to mud.room.submissions@gmail.com.
To submit, please send a previously unpublished work no longer than 6,000 words in double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font. All works should be attached in a single .DOC/.DOCX .ODT or PDF file
Please indicate PROSE SUBMISSION in your subject line. Submissions without "Prose Submission" in the subject line will be deleted. You may also include a brief cover letter/third-person bio in the body of your email.
11. Pepper Coast Magazine: Call for Poetry and Prose
Pepper Coast publishes three issues a year, April, September, and December. They accept submissions on any themes, genres, styles, or forms, provided the work is well-written. “At Pepper Coast Mag, we believe writers should have full control of their work, so all copyright and publication rights remain with the writer at all times.”—PCM
Deadline: 31st March 2025 | Pay: None
Things to note:
All submissions must be single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman or Garamond font in either .doc/.docx
Do not include your name and email address anywhere in the document except in the body of the email. The document must be saved with the title of the submission for easy identification.
The body of the mail must contain your name, email address, nationality, and a short bio note of not more than fifty words.
Send average-length stories
Do not send already-published stories
Send your submission as a doc or docx
Simultaneous submissions are allowed. However, you must inform them if your submission is accepted elsewhere.
They reply to all submissions. If you fail to hear from them, consider reaching out.
Now, you can go ahead and send us your submission via peppercoastlitsubmissions@gmail.com
12. Now Open: Application to The Loveliest Review Fellowship
The Loveliest Journal is a petite, hand-bound journal featuring 7 genres/artists (Poetry/CNF/Fiction/Play/Photography/Art/Lyrics). They have recently launched a fellowship for each of these genres and are open to applications on the theme of Justice. “We want your Acts of Advocacy -Pursuits of Peace & Nonprejudices -Rebellions without Regrets -Fairness & Freedoms -Protests against Passivity -Foretellings of a Positive Future”—LR
Deadline: 1st April 2025 | Compensation: $1000
Things to note:
To apply, you’ll need:
Work Sample: 5-25 pages of your fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama or reviews.
Send an email to theloveliestreview@gmail.com.
[Subject Line: (Applicant Name) The Loveliest Fellowship Application]
Please submit and attach all application materials as a .doc or .docx . Include a brief cover letter.
Prose of the Week
This is What the Darkness Thought Me | Mofiyinfoluwa Okupe
This darkness obliterates even the memory of tenderness.
There are no caresses here. No embraces to ward off the pain. All you will have is the fading memory of softness. Here in this place, all you will find are bitter tears and even bitterer blood. Both will try to drown you. They will fail. But you do not know that now. To be overcome by despair is to be certain that it will be the end of you. You are not yet aware of your endlessness.
You will soon learn…
Poetry of the Week
Whispers of Resilience | Aladeloye Anuoluwapo
Breathe, breathe—
The mantra I wove to soothe the ache,
A fragile heart trembling, braving the quake.
Stop, stop—
Thanks for diving into our newsletter! Don't miss out—subscribe now (if you haven’t) for a weekly curated list including writing competitions, publishing opportunities, grants, fellowships, and content crafted to fuel the growth of African writers. Join the literary journey!
Dibaku ya mbote (Good luck—Kongo, The Republic of Congo)
Knowing about this opportunities is actually very nice. It gives novice writers like myself a chance to present themselves to the world