December Opportunities for African Writers
Prizes from $100-$300, publishing deals, internships.
This newsletter is published every Wednesday.
1. The Pennacle Short Story Contest
The Pennacle is looking for stories that can make them laugh or cry or think about things differently. Send a concise, well-edited story in line with the theme: Nigeria Happened to Me Too. This theme is entirely open to interpretation.
Deadline: 10th December 2023 | Prize: N300,000 total + publication
This contest is open to Nigerians only.
Word limit is 2500 words. Titles are not included in the word count.
Submit only one entry. The piece must be previously unpublished.
Provide a short Bio of yourself (suitable for publication) of 300 words or less.
Submit your piece in PDF. It should be double-spaced with 14 pt font and above.
Please do not write your name or personal details anywhere in your PDF as this competition is judged anonymously.
First prize: N200,000, an interview and publication in Pennacle's coming quarterly Literary Magazine, publication in Pennacle's upcoming annual Anthology, and developmental mentoring. Second prize: N100,000, and the same benefits as First Prize. 10 runners-up: Publication in Pennacle's upcoming annual Anthology, detailed editorial review, and one year promotion of any produced work.
Entry Fee= N3000
2. The Pennacle Prize for Good Literature: Creative Non-Fiction
The Pennacle is now accepting essays on the topic: The Pursuit of Purpose, for their recurring Prize for Good Literature. This topic has been left vague so that you can approach it from any angle and with a style and creativity of your own.
Deadline: 10th December 2023 | Prize: N300,000 total + publication
Things to note:
This contest is open to citizens of any African country.
Word limit is 3000 words. Titles are not included in the word count.
Submit only one entry. The piece must be previously unpublished.
Provide a short Bio of yourself (suitable for publication) of 300 words or less.
Submit your piece in PDF. It should be double-spaced with 14 pt font and above.
Please do not write your name or personal details anywhere in your PDF as this competition is judged anonymously.
First prize: N200,000, an interview and publication in Pennacle's coming quarterly Literary Magazine, publication in Pennacle's upcoming annual Anthology, and developmental mentoring. Second prize: N100,000, and the same benefits as First Prize. 10 runners-up: Publication in Pennacle's upcoming annual Anthology, detailed editorial review, and one year promotion of any produced work.
Entry Fee= N3000
3. Scribbles Magazine: Call for Contributors
This magazine is seeking short story submissions for their next issue under the theme “Resonance”. They are interested in both fiction and non-fiction stories that resonate with you.
Deadline: 5th December 2023 | Prize: Undisclosed amount + publication
How to submit:
Send your entry by email to
4. Afritondo Prize 2024 is accepting short story submissions with the theme “Aliens”
This year, Afritondo wants writers “to respond to the theme of “aliens”: unfamiliar things, unfamiliar people, how they are received and lived with or rejected, how they change families, communities, societies.”
Deadline: 16th December 2023. | Prize: $1000 (total)
Here are a few things to note:
You may only submit an entry if you are a citizen or national of an African country; one of your parents is a national of an African country; you identify as Black or African or belong to an African or Black minority population anywhere in the world.
Submissions must be in English. The submission, including the title, must be between 3000 and 5000 words.
Submissions must reflect the theme. Only one submission per writer is allowed.
Submission is accepted only via email. Entries should be sent to The subject of the email should read: Submission for Afritondo Short Story Prize 2023. The filename of the entry (i.e., the attached document) must be the title of the short story. In the body of the email tell us, briefly, about yourself, including such information as your legal name, country of residence, age, and contact details.
For more information to guide your submission read these guidelines:
5. SpringNG’s Poetry Journal (March 2024 issue) is now accepting submissions.
Poetry Journal is accepting poetry and short story submissions for the 2024 edition. SprinNG is a society for the promotion, revitalisation, and improvement of new Nigerian generations in writing and literature.
Deadline: 16th December 2023 | Prize: N100,000
Here are a few things to note:
There are no age restrictions
Writers submitting poems should send no more than six poems, while writers submitting short stories (2000-word limit) should send no more than three short stories (all in a word document).
While previously published works are welcomed, it is important to mention where and when they have been published while submitting.
Submission is done through the website ONLY.
6. The Lolwe Editorial Scheme: Editorial Internship
Lolwe is offering four people a chance to be part of their editorial team as Editorial Interns. If you are someone that is interested in the editing process and wants to understand the submission to publication pipeline of a literary magazine, then this is for you.
Deadline: 22nd of December 2023 | Prize: 6 month internship.
Things to note:
Lolwe will offer training, guidance and mentorship by the editor-in-chief, assistant editors and the guest editors of Lolwe.
Interns will gain an understanding of the magazine publishing backend process. You will be a part of the daily activities of Lolwe and will learn how to read through submissions, edit, proofread and communicate with the writers. You will also gain insight into the admin part of the running a magazine.
Time demands are 3-5hours per week. This role offers no financial compensation but interns will be credited in the issue they work on as an acknowledgment of their efforts.
To apply to the Lolwe Editorial Scheme, kindly send an email to with the subject ‘2024 Editorial Scheme’. In the email kindly tell us a bit about yourself and state why you should be considered for the scheme. Please be as clear and concise as possible (less than 300 words). Successful applicants will be notified by Monday, 8th January 2024.
Click here to find out more.
Prose Highlight:
Like Porcelain Figures by Nnaemeka Nnam
The increasing pain that bit into Okwubanego’s bones had not subsided even after they had doubled his painkillers, so Oriaku forced him into this visit to the hospital. The hospital walls were a grayish-green from years of poor maintenance.
“They will just prescribe a different type of painkiller, the doctors don’t even know what to do with me anymore,” Okwubanego had protested.
“I don’t want to hear that rubbish this morning. We are going.”
Oriaku’s tone grated with finality, and so they went. The consultant had said…
Poetry Highlight:
I Tried to Hold You but You are Water by Abdulrauf Olajide
The breeze stops breathing
cool in my ears, my heart keeps
breaking down at your remembrance
I tried to hold you tight
to myself, but you are water…
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Yak ufuro aba uno nte asin ubok (Let growth be found where you set your hands—Ibibio, Southern Nigeria)