Closing Soon: Opportunities for African Writers
Up to $1000, Contests, Digital Publication, Jobs
This newsletter is published every Wednesday at 5pm WAT.
1. Uncanny Magazine: Call for Submissions
Uncanny Magazine is seeking passionate, diverse speculative fiction and flash fiction from writers from every conceivable background. They want intricate, experimental stories and poems with gorgeous prose, verve, and imagination that elicit strong emotions and challenge beliefs. Uncanny believes there’s still plenty of room in the genre for tales that make you feel.
Deadline: 2nd Sept 2024. | Pay: Up to $1000 (+audio rights)
To submit:
They accept entries between 750 and 10,000 words
Please submit your story via Uncanny‘s Moksha submission system.
All stories should be in Modern Manuscript Format and attached in .RTF, .DOC, or .DOCX formats. Please feel free to include your pronouns (optional) along with your name and email address in the upper left corner of your manuscript.
Note, you do not need to add your mailing address or legal name to your manuscript. They will only ask for that information if your story is chosen for publication.
Your cover letter should contain the length of your story, your significant publishing history and awards, and information that might be relevant to that specific submission.
Please do not send multiple submissions at once.
2. Business Insider is Accepting Travel Article Pitches
Fiona Clair, an editor for Business Insider is looking for pieces by frequent travels or travel planners which provide advice for traveling around the United States or internationally.
Deadline: 1st Sept 2024. | Pay: From $220
How to pitch:
Send your pitch as a Twitter DM to her here.
3. Submit to The Shore
The Shore is an online poetry publication seeking cutting, strange, and daring work from new and established poets alike. We want poems that explore the worlds of things and ideas, that recognize the liminality, the shifting of everything around us and our ability to name a thing whole. We want poems that press and push and ache and recede.
Deadline: 1st Sept 2024. | Compensation: Unstated
Things to note:
Email 3-5 poems in a single document in .doc or .docx format to
The subject line should be: “Last Name_First Name THE SHORE submission”.
Include a cover letter and third-person bio included in the body of the email.
They accept simultaneous submissions as long as you notify them if the piece is accepted elsewhere, but they do not accept reprints.
4. Submit to Orion’s Belt
Orion’s Belt is a literary speculative-fiction online magazine. They specialize in the strange and poignant and awe-inspiring, stories that have a cosmic scale and intimate personal stakes. They are seeking stories and poems which must contain significant speculative elements. “This does not mean all sci-fi stories must have lasers and rockets. It just means a non-speculative story doesn’t become speculative if you include a single line clarifying the story takes place on Mars.”—OB
Deadline: 1st Sept 2024. | Pay: Up to $100
Stories should NOT exceed 1200 words.
Stories need not necessarily follow Standard Manuscript Format, but it is preferred.
Submit only one poem per email, and do not send more than 3 emails in a month.
For all entries: 12-point Times New Roman.
All submissions should be directed to The subject line of your email should be a variation of “Submission - Story Name (Author Name, Fiction/Poetry).”
All submissions should be directed to
The subject line of your email should be a variation of “Submission - Story Name (Author Name, Fiction/Poetry).”
A cover letter is expected. This needn’t be long or detailed. Attach the entry to your email as a Word file or PDF. In the body of the letter, include your name, the title of your story, its length, its genre or subgenre, up to three previous publications, and any other information you deem relevant.
For more guidelines, click here.
5. TechCabal: Hiring Managing Editor (Lagos)
TechCabal is dedicated to helping the world understand the forces shaping technology and its impact across Africa. The Managing Editor will be responsible for shaping the editorial direction of TechCabal. The ideal candidate will bring a blend of editorial excellence, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of Africa’s tech landscape.
Deadline: 31st August 2024. | Type: Hybrid | Pay: Unstated
At least 6 years of experience shaping stories and narrative, with at least 2 of those in editorial or storytelling leadership.
A deep understanding of the African tech ecosystem and where it intersects with global tech trends.
Great taste and craft – in writing, editing, and storytelling. You have a strong sense of narrative and attention to detail.
Comfortable with working in a fast-paced environment, have excellent communication skills and collaborate well with people.
Excited about doing groundbreaking work that will shape the future of technology reporting in Africa.
To apply, click here
6. Iko Poetry Challenge
Iko Africa is inviting poetry submissions on the theme: Where is Home? “Home can be a physical place, a state of mind, an emotion, or something else entirely. For this challenge, feel free to interpret this theme as creatively as you wish.”—Iko
Deadline: 30th Aug 2024 | Prize: N40,000 (1st) + unstated cash prizes (2nd-5th)
Word Limit: Your submitted poem should be between 50 to 300 words.
Submission Tag: Post your entry with the tag #IkoPoetryChallenge.
Selection Process: The Top 12 entries with the most likes on Iko will be shortlisted for final judging.
To create an account on Iko and enter the contest, click here.
7. Longhope TV Writing Residency 2024
The Jakes Gerwel Foundation invites emerging writers to apply for the Longhope TV Writing Residency offered at their Paulet House in KwaNojoli (Somerset East, South Africa). The residency is a practical and intensive mentoring program where emerging screenwriters learn from various prominent figures in the TV industry about the finer details of this growing and competitive industry. This course is offered in collaboration with M-Net Channels
Deadline: 30th Aug 2024 | Prize: Residency + Travel sponsorship
Things to note:
If your application is successful, you will be expected to spend the duration of the residency in KwaNojoli. The Jakes Gerwel Foundation covers the travel and accommodation costs of the successful candidates. The mentorship programmes are presented in both Afrikaans and English. International applications are welcome; however, only domestic travel costs are covered by the Foundation.
To apply, you’ll need:
Filled form (click button below to fill)
A motivation letter
A pitch for an original concept for a television series consisting of the following:
A log line (35 to 45 words)
A summary of the concept (300 words)
A PDF of approximately 10 A4 pages with the first act of a pilot episode in the accepted TV text format.
Residency (candidates must confirm availability for the set dates when applying): 4 to 17 November 2024
8. Essay Contest: Women in Sports Inclusion
Seventy7soccer is inviting Nigerian women aged 18-25 to submit essays on the topic: Challenges Faced by Women Interested in Pursuing a Career in Sports.
Deadline: 30th August 2024. | Prize: Total of N450,000
Writers must follow Seventy7soccer’s Twitter and Instagram pages.
Essays must be original and sent as a PDF file to
Formating: Times New Roman, 12pt Font size and double line spacing.
Kindly Include our name age. phone numbers) and location in the title page of your essay.
No plagiarism allowed (including Al-generated text). Previously published works will be disqualified.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS: 11th October, 2024.
Winners must prove their age by means of either a Birth Certificate. Driver's Licence or a valid Nigerian Passport.
9. Agbowó Magazine Call for Submissions
Agbowo invites you to its unthemed issue. “The editors and I are looking for new voices, and we are enthusiastic about established writers. We want pieces of writing that rock the continent. We want to understand your politics and share your personal and collective trauma. We want a snapshot of your geography. We are very interested in writings that are cursory, tasty, musical, careful, and written with love. We love narratives, really-good-but-not-overly-done metaphors, direct verses, brilliant rhymes, truth, and well-edited writing.”
Deadline: 30th August 2024 | Compensation: from N20,000
Things to note:
Poems should be a maximum of 3 poems attached as Microsoft Word (Please format it as you want it to be published). Each poem should be titled and every new poem should begin on a new page.
For fiction, while you are welcome to send flash fiction, they usually publish stories with the 1500 – 5000 word range. Stories should be attached as Microsoft Word documents.
For Non-fiction, they are on a particular lookout for essays with roots wholly or partly lodged within the context of Africa, either through subjects under focus or case studies.
Include a cover letter and a biography ranging between 100 and 200 words
Essays must be written in the English language. Broken English is also acceptable.
Word count is 750-3500 words
For One-Act Plays, running times must be between 10 and 30 minutes and have a maximum of 7 cast. Include a cover letter with a summary of the play, the name and location of the playwright, the running time, performance history (if it has been performed before), and awards (if it has won any awards). They accept previously plays.
For all submissions, font should be Times New Roman font with a 1.5 spacing.
Also, attach a portrait picture, a short bio of fewer than 100 words, and your social media handles.
They accept only unpublished work.
To submit, please click your desired category: Poetry, Fiction, Non-fiction, One-Act Plays.
10. Eugenia Abu/SEVHAGE Prize for Creative Non-Fiction 2024
The Eugenia Abu/SEVHAGE Creative Non-Fiction Prize looks to encourage exploration into the non-fiction genre among writers, while celebrating Mrs Eugenia Abu, one of Nigeria’s cherished broadcast journalists. Like the ALINEA Prize, a sister prize, this prize looks “for work that reaches beyond truth.”
Deadline: 29th Aug 2024 | Prize: N750,000
Things to note
Entrants can submit only one original and unpublished creative non-fiction piece.
No simultaneous submissions.
Word count: 500 – 2000 words
CNF here refers to factual stories or writeups that are well written. As Sean Glatch notes, creative nonfiction (CNF) is a form of storytelling that employs the creative writing techniques of literature, such as poetry and fiction, to retell a true story. Creative nonfiction writers don’t just share pithy anecdotes, they use craft and technique to situate the reader into their own personal lives.
All entries should be sent in a single Microsoft Word document. (format: Times New Roman font, single line spacing, font 12).
Do not include your name in the attached document. Any entry that violates this guideline will be automatically disqualified.
You can only make one entry, which cannot be resubmitted or changed. So, make all changes before you submit.
For emphasis, no mention or reference to the author or the author’s personal details should be made in the attached story or it will be disqualified.
Shortlisted writers might be required to produce evidence of country of origin.
They will be publishing the shortlisted entries for this short story competition before the announcement of the award. Therefore, only those who are okay with having their works published should enter for the award.
11. The E. E. Sule/SEVHAGE Prize for African Literary Criticism 2024
In celebrating and making more visible the culture of criticism, SEVHAGE will award the E. E. SULE/SEVHAGE Prize for African Literary Criticism for an outstanding well-researched work of literary criticism or critical appraisal in form of the essay. This prize is in honour of Nigeria’s prominent scholar and literary critic, Prof. Sule Emmanuel Egya (aka E. E. Sule), an outstanding writer, whose lifelong works in criticism are visionary and inspiring.
Deadline: 29th Aug 2024 | Prize: N285,000
Things to note:
Submissions will only be accepted via this link.
Entrants can submit only one original critical essay.
The essay should be a well-researched piece on African Literature and/or African literary theory focusing on a specific contemporary text or area of literature.
Word count is 4500-6000 words.
All entries should be sent in a single Microsoft Word document. (format: Times New Roman font, single line spacing, font 12).
Do not include your name in the attached document. Any entry that violates this guideline will be automatically disqualified.
You can only make one entry, which cannot be resubmitted or changed. So, make all changes before you submit. Be sure before you submit.
For emphasis, no mention or reference to the author or the author’s personal details should be made in the attached story or it will be disqualified.
Shortlisted writers might be required to produce evidence of country of origin.
The judges’ decisions are final and not open to debate.
Shortlisted writers will be contacted by September.
We will be publishing the shortlisted entries for this competition before the announcement of the award. Therefore, only those who are okay with having their works published should enter for the award.
12. Call for Submissions: K & L Fiction Prize
The SEVHAGE Prizes category for Short Fiction 2024, is open to African writers globally. This year, they are open to stories that focus on mental health and reduce stigma while encouraging positive stories to promote well-being. This is open to the interpretation of the writer.
Deadline: 29th Aug 2024 | Prize: N500,000
Things to note:
Entrants can submit only one original unpublished story and ONLY via this link.
Ensure that your story is within the word count (800 – 2000 words).
All entries should be sent in a single Microsoft Word document. (format: Times New Roman font, single line spacing, font 12).
Do not include your name in the attached document. Any entry that violates this guideline will be automatically disqualified.
You can only make one entry, which cannot be resubmitted or changed. So, make all changes before you submit. Be sure before you submit.
For emphasis, no mention or reference to the author or the author’s personal details should be made in the attached story or it will be disqualified.
Shortlisted writers might be required to produce evidence of country of origin.
Shortlisted writers will be contacted by September. If any entrant does not hear from us by then, it might be safe for them to assume that their work did not make it to the short list or long-list.
We will be publishing the shortlisted entries for this short story competition before the announcement of the award. Therefore, only those who are okay with having their works published should enter for the award.
Winners will be announced latest November 2024.
Prose of the Week
Things We See Underwater | Prosper C. Ìféányí
Bayelsa, Nigeria. 3060.
The story you have asked me to tell you does not begin with bravery. It, in fact, begins with our naivety, and then loss. I am Navi, and this is my story as an Ijaw boy. In those days, the creeks of the Delta was our home. When we swam, our bodies waded through the water and sand; our faces whitening under the livid gloom of the sea…
If you’d like your prose featured in ‘Prose of The Week’ or published by African Writers Weekly, send an email to
Poetry of the Week
The Curved Lips | Abdulatif Khalid
There’s a certain curve
On your lips that tell a tale,
It is a story of joy and hope,
Unfolding without miscarry…
If you’d like your poetry featured in ‘Poetry of The Week’ or published by African Writers Weekly, send an email to
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Mahlatse (Good luck—Sesotho sa Leboa, Limpopo, South Africa)