Closing Soon: 10 Opportunities for African Writers
Up to $30,000 , Contests, Publication, Workshop, Residency.
This newsletter is published every Wednesday.
1. The Deadlands are accepting Short Stories
The Deadlands is a monthly speculative fiction magazine. They publish short stories, poems, and essays about the other realms, of the ends we face here, and the beginnings we find elsewhere. It will be a journey into the unknown, to meet those who live there still, even though they may be dead. “Death is a journey we all will take, but we’d like to peek at the map before we go.”
Deadline: 30th June 2024 | Pay: 10¢ per word
Things to note:
The Deadlands accepts stories up to 5000 words, but prefer stories of 3000-4000 words.
Stories should be original and unpublished (this includes your blog, your website, your newsletter, your Patreon).
Average Response Time: Two weeks; if longer, your story may be in a second-round hold pile.
They prefer standard manuscript formatting, but don’t require your address on the manuscript.
Click here to submit.
2. Brittle Paper Call for Submissions: #EndSars Protest
The editor Chibueze Darlington Anuonye—in collaboration with Brittle Paper—calls for submissions of essays and creative nonfiction pieces that speak to and about the EndSARS protest, which took place in Nigeria between September and October 2020. The theme is “Who Gave the Order: The History of a People’s Movement”.
Deadline: June 30th 2024. | Renumeration: $100 per piece
Things to note:
The anthology will comprise pieces that account for the experiences of Nigerians during the EndSARS, related events before and after the protest, and how these moments and encounters shape the lives of Nigerians, as well as the image of the nation.
They accept only electronic submissions via email (
Submission header should read “Submission for Who Gave the Order.”
Submission word count should be between 2,500 to 5,000.
Multiple or simultaneous submissions will not be read, accepted or acknowledged.
Accompany your submission with a short bio of not more 200 words.
They are only interested in personal and previously unpublished essays and creative nonfiction pieces. However, if you are not comfortable with writing but would love to narrate your account orally, please contact them, as they might have an idea on how you could contribute to the anthology.
For more info, see here
3. CANEX Creative Writing Workshop
An initiative under Afreximbank’s Creative Africa Nexus (CANEX) project. In partnership with the James and Grace Adichie Foundation and Narrative Landscape Press Limited, they are offering a nurturing ground for enhancing narrative skills and understanding the business of writing.
Deadline: 30th June 2024 | Prize: Free workshop
How to enter:
Authors/Writers must be African or Caribbean to qualify to submit their application to the writing workshop.
The authors/writers must submit a 500-word sample of their writing and a personal statement of purpose by pasting it in a text box.
To register, click here.
4. Umuofia Arts and Books Anthology: Call for Submissions
Umuofia Arts and Book Festival is a literary festival created in honour of Chinua Achebe to foster the advancement of literary and artistic culture in Igbo land (but is inclusive of the global world). Named after Umuofia, the fictional village in which Achebe’s iconic novel Things Fall Apart was set, Umuofia Fest is now accepting poems, fiction, nonfiction, and essays for its anthology.
Deadline: 30th June 2024 | Pay: Unstated
Submission guidelines:
Submissions should be type-written, Times New Roman font, size 12 pt.
Max word count is 4000 words for all categories.
Email subject heading should contain the title of your submission and genre.
Email submissions to
Source: Brittle Paper
5. Global Black Women’s Non-Fiction Manuscript Prize
As part of its mission as a global Black publishing house connecting Africa and the African diaspora, Cassava Republic Press’s is proud to announce the launch of this prize. They are looking to publish and champion Black women writers who bridge the gap between “creativity” and “theory” with work that is both rigorous and beautiful, creative and thoughtful.
Deadline: 30th June 2024 23:59GMT | Prize: Total of $30,000
Things to note:
The manuscript prize is open to Black women writers aged 18 and over living anywhere in the world.
The winner will receive $20,000 and a book deal, while two runners-up will receive $5000 each and a book deal.
They welcome submissions from academics writing for a mainstream audience. Our goal is to amplify and unearth the critical ideas that might otherwise remain unpublished or confined to academic circles or smaller audiences.
They do not accept straightforward memoirs, but manuscripts that incorporate theory with personal essays/experiences within a broader context are welcome.
Interested writers are asked to submit 5 sample chapters and a pitch letter, which should include a synopsis and a full outline of all chapters. Longlisted authors will then be given a week to submit full manuscripts.
Pitch letter guide can be found here.
6. The Wanjobi Prize for African Poetry
Poetic Africa is inviting submissions for the maiden edition of The Wanjobi Prize which honours the remarkable contributions of Benny Wanjobi to African poetry.
Deadline: 30th June 2024 | Prize: Total of $150
Please use the title of your entry as the file name and do not write your name either as the file name or in the file.
Files should either be in PDF or Word format.
Entry should not exceed 30 lines.
7. SprinNg Annual Poetry Contest for Nigerians
Sprinng fosters a thriving network that empowers diverse African writers, amplifies their voices, and celebrates their literature. This year’s annual poetry contest is sponsored by Poetry Column NDD.
Deadline: 30th June 2024 |. Prize: Total of N75,000
Only Nigerian writers living in Nigeria are eligible for this contest. Only one submission per person is allowed.
Write a simple poem on any theme of your choice between 8-10 lines.
The line count doesn't include the poem's title.
Put a line space between the title and the poem - if the poem has a title.
The poem may be already published or unpublished.
Do not submit prose-poetry or poems without clear line breaks.
8. Isele Magazine: Call for Submissions on ‘Radical Optimism’
For the next quarterly issue of Isele Magazine, they are seeking submissions that revolve around radical optimism, around hope―hope for a better world, hope for impossible possibilities. They want fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, visual art, and hybrid works that explore this theme.
Deadline: 30th June 2024. | Pay: Unstated
Submission guidelines:
All submissions for the quarterly issue should be submitted to The email subject line should read Genre: Lastname (e.g. Poetry: Angelou).
They DO NOT accept multiple submissions. Please submit to one genre only.
For fiction and nonfiction, submit max. 5000 words of prose.
For poetry, submit max. 3 poems in a single document.
For prose (fiction and nonfiction) and poetry, they DO NOT publish previously published works (by this, we mean any piece that has appeared on the web or in print, including your personal blog). However, they will consider a translated version of the work if the original language wasn’t in English.
They accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify them as soon as your work is accepted elsewhere so that they can withdraw it from consideration.
Isele Magazine requests the first serial rights of your published piece. However, all rights will revert to you after publication. If your work is republished elsewhere, please indicate that it previously appeared in Isele Magazine.
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9. The SETI Institute Artist in Residence (AIR) Program: Cosmic Consciousness
This remote residency invites writers and poets working in the areas of literature, speculative fiction/sci-fi, experimental poetry, and philosophy. The artworks resulting from this residency should reflect and expand on the SETI Institute’s “Intelligence and Consciousness” research division, whose central science questions are: ‘What is the nature of consciousness?’ and ‘What is the nature and evolution of intelligence?’ At the end of the residency, the resulting texts will be published (print and/or digital) and may be presented at a special event that includes readings by the authors.
Deadline: 1st July 2024 |. Prize: Total of $15,000
Things to note
Areas of creative research may engage with the following topics:
Experiments in language and consciousness
Alien intelligence and cultural exchange
Transhumanism and posthuman consciousness
AI and consciousness
Multisensory poetry and multiple intelligences
Submissions must be saved as a single PDF file and be emailed to, with “Cosmic Consciousness Submission” in the subject line.
All submission must include, in the following order:
Name, Pronouns, Address, Phone Number
Artist Bio (approx. 150 words)
Artist Statement outlining an overview of your practice/interests (max. 500 words)
Residency Proposal outlining your intended area of research/experimentation/creation (max. 500 words or filmed proposal)
Summary outlining a brief, condensed version of your proposal (2 sentences, max. 50 words)
Current CV (max. 2 pages)
Outline of anticipated technical equipment and support needed.
Writing Samples (max. 10 pages) including previously published work, works in progress, or images of work (with accompanying Image List)
10. The AprilCentaur Prize 2024
The AprilCentaur Network poses as an online literary magazine with an approach to building a network of creatives in multiple fields. They organise contests for the sake of amassing talents, and aim to provide selected participants with a regular and recurring income. They are currently accepting short stories for their second contest.
Timeline: 1st July 2024. Prize: Total of $2000
We only accept one submission per person, so send in your best work.
All participants must be between 16 and 30 years old.
Word count is 3000-5000.
Please email your submission as a Word document attachment to Include a five-line bio in the body of the email. Only previously unpublished works would be reviewed and considered.
For more information see here.
Prose of the Week
Intifada | Marion Munywoki
When we marched into the city proudly, chanting carrying our flags visible where they could see clearly, they were waiting for us. They tried to silence us but our voices grew stronger. They threw cans at us that in turn brought about tears to our eyes. When we tried to look for water for ablution they captured and arrested us…
Poetry of the Week
My Father Renamed Himself | Nurain Ọládèjì
A child’s need to be chased, to hide and be found
time and again, is why my father is the ghost stalking
my dreams…
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Alle voorspoed (All the best—Afrikaans, South Africa)