This newsletter is published every Wednesday.
1. The Republic: Call for Submissions
In celebration of Wole Soyinka’s 90th birthday, The Republic is currently accepting submissions for the August-October 2024 issue, which critically discusses Soyinka: 90 Years of Kongi. They are looking for analytical and engaging essays, lectures, speeches, reading lists and book reviews that, without sacrificing analytical rigour, can serve as authoritative/definitive subject-matter guides to readers who may have limited knowledge of Soyinka’s works.
Deadline: 19th May 2024 | Compensation: From N36,000
More information:
Submissions should be between 1500 and 3500 words
You must have an account on The Republic to access the submission form.
Topics include:
The Meaning of Wole Soyinka’s Literary Legacy
Wole Soyinka and the Necessity of Black Difficulty (His works have been called challenging to read; why is his difficulty a good thing?)
The Politics of Wole Soyinka
The Philosophy of Wole Soyinka
Revisiting Wole Soyinka and the Négritude Debate
Feminist readings of Wole Soyinka
Queer readings of Wole Soyinka
Black Diasporic readings of Wole Soyinka / Wole Soyinka in the Black Atlantic
Extended essays and/or reviews of the following works by Wole Soyinka which are reaching milestones: The Strong Breed (1964), Before the Blackout (1964), Kongi’s Harvest (1964), A Play of Giants (1984), Climate of Fear: The Quest for Dignity in a Dehumanized World (2004), The Lion and the Jewel (1959), Document of Identity (1999), New Imperialism (2009), Beyond Aesthetics: Use, Abuse, and Dissonance in African Art Traditions (2019), Ibadan: The Penkelemes Years: A Memoir 1945–1965 (1989).
Click here to view The Republic’s Style Guide
2. BOF Next Generation Black Journalists Fellowship
The Business of Fashion is launching the fourth iteration of the annual Next Generation Black Journalists Fellowship, a six-month, part-time, paid reporting and writing programme designed to train and publish aspiring Black writers in the field of fashion business journalism.
Deadline: 31st May 2024. 5pm EST |. Renumeration: Unstated amount
Things to note:
The programme will start on July 1, 2024 and last six months. Two fellows are selected per cycle
Candidates must show a dedication to either the media or fashion industry.
Candidates will be required to provide a writing sample, which can be any written content whether it’s a blog post, essay or thread on social media. Applications will be reviewed on the basis of the quality of their ideas and passion for the business of fashion and beauty, as well as their career ambitions.
To apply for this fellowship, click here.
3. Nathan HR is Hiring a Script Writer (Nairobi)
For a client, they are seeking a writer to craft compelling narratives and dialogues for various mediums, including film, television, theater, radio, and new media platforms. Creativity, attention to detail, and understanding of storytelling will be crucial in bringing characters and stories to life.
Deadline: Unstated. | Pay: Unstated | Type: Full time
Previous experience in scriptwriting, either through academic coursework, internships, freelance projects, or professional work in the entertainment industry.
A portfolio of sample scripts or writing samples demonstrating proficiency in scriptwriting techniques and storytelling ability.
Proficiency in screenwriting software such as Final Draft or Adobe Story, as well as Microsoft Office or Google Docs for collaborative work.
Familiarity with industry trends, conventions, and best practices in scriptwriting for various mediums, including film, television, theater, and digital platforms.
Apply to this role here.
4. The Unserious Collective Poetry Fellowship
The UnSerious Collective Fellowship awards FOUR (4) emerging Nigerian poets as Unserious Collective Fellows annually for poetry that is commendable, experimental, brilliant, and daring. The fellowship is part of the major essence of the collective—to recognize talents and celebrate hard work in the bustling Nigerian Poetry community.
Deadline: 31st May 2024. | Renumeration: Total of N500,000
The competition is open to all emerging Nigerian poets. Nigerian poet, they take to mean a person born in Nigeria, or whose parents (at least one) are Nigerian, or a person living in Nigeria naturalised as a citizen.
Send in up to six (previously published or unpublished) poems of any length in a .doc or .docx file—Single-spaced. Font: 12, Garamond or Times New Roman (Note: Ensure that publication history of published poems are clearly acknowledged in your submission).
Original entries only.
The submission title should read, "UCPS 2024".
All submissions must be sent to ""
5. Naija Theatre: Call for Reviews
Naija Theatre was created to give Nigerian stories told on a theatre stage the necessary support. They are calling for reviews of Nigerian Theatre productions.
Deadline: 25th May 2025. | Renumeration: N50,000
Steps to submit:
Watch a Nigerian stage play
Write a review about it
In the designated form, kindly share your name, email address and paste your review in the box provided. Once you are done filling, click submit. A black checkmark is proof that your submission was successful.
If your review is selected, you will be contacted for your cash prize and to request images where necessary.
Click here to submit.
6. Africa Institute 2024 Global Africa Translation Fellowship
The Africa Institute invites applications to the fourth cohort of the Global Africa Translation Fellowship. This is a non-residential fellowship that allows the recipient scholar to complete the work outside of The Africa Institute (Sharjah, UAE). The aim of the fellowship is to make important texts in African and African Diaspora studies accessible to a wider readership across the world.
Deadline: 1st June 2024. | Prize: $1000-$5000
To apply:
A two-page CV/résumé including institutional affiliation, educational qualifications, including highest degree received, and key publications/works produced
A two-page narrative explaining the translation to be undertaken during the fellowship period, an explanation of the importance of the work, a justification for a re-translation, if applicable, and proposed dates of completion. The project may be a work-in-progress or a new project that fits within the timeframe of the grant.
A 4–5-page (double-spaced) sample of the original text(s) and translation.
An explanation of the work’s copyright status: If the work is not in the public domain, please include a copy of the copyright notice from the original text, and a letter from the copyright holder stating that English language rights to the work are available.
Submitted applications must include a statement, sample, copyright status (if applicable), and CV, in that order into a single PDF file.
Name the file with the applicant’s name in this format: LASTNAME-FIRSTNAME.pdf. Use the same name in the email subject heading LASTNAME-FIRSTNAME application and send PDF as an email attachment to
7. Brittle Paper Call for Submissions: #EndSars Protest
The editor Chibueze Darlington Anuonye—in collaboration with Brittle Paper—calls for submissions of essays and creative nonfiction pieces that speak to and about the EndSARS protest, which took place in Nigeria between September and October 2020. The theme is “Who Gave the Order: The History of a People’s Movement”.
Deadline: June 30th 2024. | Renumeration: $100 per piece
Things to note:
The anthology will comprise pieces that account for the experiences of Nigerians during the EndSARS, related events before and after the protest, and how these moments and encounters shape the lives of Nigerians, as well as the image of the nation.
They accept only electronic submissions via email (
Submission header should read “Submission for Who Gave the Order.”
Submission word count should be between 2,500 to 5,000.
Multiple or simultaneous submissions will not be read, accepted or acknowledged.
Accompany your submission with a short bio of not more 200 words.
They are only interested in personal and previously unpublished essays and creative nonfiction pieces. However, if you are not comfortable with writing but would love to narrate your account orally, please contact them, as they might have an idea on how you could contribute to the anthology.
For more info, see here
8. Two Lines Press: Pitch for African Literature Translations
Two Lines Press is excited to open submissions for pitches of translations of literary works by African writers. They are open to translations from any non-English language, but we are especially eager to receive submissions of work from African languages and/or from less-represented populations. We also encourage submissions from emerging translators of African origin or descent.
Deadline: Rolling basis. | Compensation: from $400
How to pitch:
Send a short query to with:
brief bios of the author and of the translator;
a cover letter with:
a 1-paragraph description of the project,
1-2 sentences about why you feel this project would be relevant for a contemporary English-language readership now
2-3 books published in the past 2 years in the US (translations or not) whose audience you feel your project would appeal to,
and whether you would like to be considered for financial support for a longer sample (see below); and
a short 5-page translation sample (unpublished or previously published).
Two Lines is only considering pitches for novels, story collections, and literary non-fiction.
Translators are expected to have identified and obtained contact information for copyright holders or the original author’s agent before submitting. Two Lines strongly encourages translators to contact rights holders before spending any time translating—there is nothing more disappointing that working hard on a translation only to find the rights are not available.
They are primarily interested in contemporary work or work that will engage with but also expand upon the contemporary American literary landscape.
They do not consider retranslations of previously translated work unless there is a very compelling reason for the retranslation and the original translation is not currently in print.
For more info, click here.
9. Wasafiri is seeking Critical Articles and Essays in Contemporary Literature
Wasafiri is a peer–reviewed journal. We are seeking conceptually rigorous, substantially researched, accessibly presented articles and essays engaged with any genre of contemporary literature, from writers across disciplines. The magazine particularly welcomes articles that position new critical perspectives within one or more broader contexts.
Deadline: Unstated | Compensation: From £150
Essays should be between 5000-8000 words
An initial decision on a manuscript within three months of submission, and a final decision within six months, allowing time for mutually-anonymous double peer review
You are encouraged to read previously published works to get an idea of presentation and style. See here, here or here.
The essay must be unpublished in any form, and must not have been accepted for publication elsewhere. If the work is accepted for publication elsewhere after submission to the prize, you must inform Wasafiri at your earliest convenience so it can be withdrawn from consideration.
All entries must comply with their submissions criteria and style sheet.
Technical Writing
10. Quicket is Hiring a Technical Writer
Quicket provides Africa's leading ticketing, streaming, and fundraising technology platform. They are looking for a talented Technical Writer to work closely with all departments to extract knowledge and use various sources such as product descriptions, helpdesk interactions, and other company resources to create comprehensive, accessible internal documentation.
Deadline: Unstated | Type: Hybrid (Cape Town). | Renumeration: Unstated
Experience and Education
Bachelor's degree in English, Communications, Technical Writing, or a related field.
5+ years' Experience in copywriting and technical writing.
Strong interviewing and listening skills.
Excellent command of the English language
Experience in taking in knowledge via all mediums of communication and turning that knowledge into coherent and easy to follow documentation
Experience with Notion and Zoho is preferred.
Prose of the Week
The Heaven S(c)ent | Efua Traoré
She lay beside him breathing gently in her sleep while he tossed and turned in the tiny bed of his one-room apartment near the Lagos university campus. The calls of the late-night hawkers below his window did not help in his quest for sleep on this hot November evening. He pulled himself off the pillow, rested his weight on one elbow and turned to look at her…
Poetry of the Week
The Journey Home | Seun Agbaje
If the sun will shine out of my skin
Then a planet can be made from my heart
And amongst craters flowers will grow
Lilies, roses and lavender…
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Mahlatse (Good luck—Sesotho sa Leboa, Limpopo, South Africa)